Videos are such a good way to engage students and open the door for meaningful conversations. I especially love to use videos when we're learning about character education topics - they are so powerful! Here are a couple of my favorite videos to use when discussing empathy. Click each image below to be taken to the video!

Sesame Street always does an excellent job explaining social emotional concepts in a way that's easy for kids to understand and relate to. This video is no exception!


This video is so powerful because it is narrated by students. Several students explain what empathy means to them and what it looks like. 


Biff & Boff are just adorable. This 30 second clip is an excellent discussion starter about kindness, empathy, and treating others the way we want to be treated. 

These three videos and many more are included in my Empathy QR Code Set - Take a peek below! Students are able to watch the videos, record their connections, and come back to the group to discuss. 


I love incorporating social emotional skills into my daily read aloud time with students. Click the images to find a list of my favorite picture books for teaching empathy to kids.

If you're looking to communicate with your students' parents about empathy, check out the parent letter below!

Looking for other resources on empathy? You may be interested in some of the products below!

3 Great Videos for Teaching Empathy - these videos are a great way to engage your students in discussion about why empathy is important, what it looks like and how we can be more empathetic toward the people in our lives